Types of Contraception

There are many different types of contraception that can prevent an unplanned pregnancy.
There are methods that are long lasting, these are called LARC (Long-acting reversible contraception). the LARC methods are marked with a star (*).
There are many benefit to using LARC including:
-Long lasting
-It is fitted and then can be forgotten, you do not need to remember to use everyday
-Over 99% effective in preventing pregnancy
-Some methods may help with hormonal issues such as heavy periods
We offer the following types of contraception at our clinics (please check whether the clinic location that you wish to book can offer you the method you require). Please use your primary care provider as your first point of contact, such as your GP or local Pharmacist.
Information on Contraception Methods
Copper Intrauterine Device (CuIUD)*
The CuIUD is also known as the copper coil. It is a small plastic and copper device which is put into the womb and it stops sperm from reaching an egg and also stops a fertilised egg from implanting in the womb. The IUD lasts for up to 10 years but can be taken out earlier.
For more information, please click here
Levornorgestrel Intrauterine Device (LNGIUD) or Intrauterine System (IUS)*
The LNGIUD is also known as the hormonal coil. It is a small T-shaped plastic device which is put into the womb and releases progestogen. The IUS lasts either 3,5 or 8 years depending on the type of LNGIUD, however it can be taken out earlier.
For more information, please click here
Contraceptive Implant*
The implant is a small flexible rod which is put under the skin of the upper arm which releases a progestogen hormone. The implant works for 3 years but it can be taken out earlier.
For more information, please click here
Contraceptive Injection*
The injection contain progestogen. There are two forms of injection that we can provide in our clinics; Depo Provera and Sayana Press.
For more information, please click here
Diaphragm & Caps
Diaphragms are circular domes of either latex (rubber) or silicon, caps are smaller than diaphragms but are also made from latex or silicon. Both fit into the vagina and cover the cervix (entrance to the womb).
To be effective, the diaphragm or cap must be used with a spermicide (this a made up of chemicals which kill sperm).
For more information, please click here
Contraceptive Patch
The patch contains oestrogen and progestogen and it works like the combined pill, but instead of swallowing a tablet, you stick the patch onto your skin, usually your upper arm.
For more information, please click here
Vaginal Ring
The vaginal ring is a flexible plastic ring which is placed into the vagina. It releases oestrogen and progestogen and works like the combined pill, but instead of swallowing a pill, the ring is placed into the vagina.
For more information, please click here
Male and female Condoms
-A male condom is made from very thick latex or plastic and fits over a mans erect penis.
-A female condom is made from plastic and loosely lines the vagina and covers the area just outside.
For more information, please click here
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Opening times for Department of Sexual Health, Salisbury District Hospital (GUM)
- Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
- Wednesday: 09:00 - 16:00
- Thursday: 09:00 - 17:30
- Friday: 09:00 - 12:00
- Saturday: CLOSED
- Sunday: CLOSED
For walk in times at the Department of Sexual Health, click on the view clinic button below.
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