What happens in clinic?

Information about what happens in our clinics
Are the services free?
Yes, all services are free including any treatment or contraception you require.
Do I need an appointment?
We have appointments and walk in clinics available. Browse our clinics on our clinic finder to find the best clinic for you
Do I need to bring anything with me?
If it is your first visit to our clinic, we will need to register you onto our computer system, it will be useful if you know your address and postcode as well as a contact number.
Our computer system is only used by WiSe staff and no one else can access the system so your information is confidential.
What will happen when I arrive?
You will be greeted by our reception staff who will ask for your name, if it is your first visit to the clinic, we will get you to fill in a registration form which will ask for your details such as name, date of birth and address and also why you are attending the clinic.
Once you have finished the registration form, you will be given a 'clinic number', this number is unique to you and holds all your details on our system. Please keep hold of this number for future use, for example, if you need to make an appointment, reading the number to the reception staff will help them to find you on the computer system.
We will ask you whether you are happy to be called in by your first name, if you are not happy with this, please tell us what you wish us to call you, we will then ask you to take a seat.
What can I do if the receptionist asks me questions which I find difficult to answer at the reception desk?
The receptionist may need to ask some personal details to make sure you are being seen by the most appropriate nurse or doctor in the clinic.
If you feel uncomfortable at any time, you can ask the receptionist to find somewhere more private to talk.
How long will I need to wait to be called in by a nurse or doctor?
If you have an appointment, we will always try and see you as close to your appointment time as possible, sometimes clinics do run over but we will make you aware of any delays when you arrive in the clinic.
It is difficult to estimate how long you may have to wait during a walk in service, it often depends on how many people are attending and the reasons why they are attending, some things can be more complicated than others and take longer to deal with. We will try and give you a rough estimate on how long you may have to wait.
Can I bring friends and family with me?
Yes, you can bring anyone you trust with you during your visit, however the nurse or doctor will need to see you on your own at the beginning of the appointment and will then invite your friend or family members in to sit with you.
What happens when I'm called in by the nurse or doctor?
A nurse or doctor will show you into the clinic room to discuss why you have visited the clinic. They will also ask your questions about your medical history, and may take your blood pressure and weight.
If you need condoms, or other contraception e.g pills, you will be taught how to use them and be given a supply before you leave. If you want a long term method of contraception (LARC) such as the implant or injection, we will explain how it works, make sure it is suitable for you to use. Most of the time, we can provide this straight away, but if this isn't possible, we will need to make another appointment for you.
Will I need to be examined?
You may need to be examined however your nurse or doctor will discuss this with you.
What samples will I be asked to give?
This will depend on why you are visiting us. If you are attending for a sexual health screen for possible infections then we will ask you either for a urine sample or a vaginal, oral and/ or anal swab dependent on the type of sex you have as well as a blood sample.
You have control of the situation and only samples you consent to give will be taken.
Do the swabs hurt?
No, they are taken using a cotton bud and while this might be a bit uncomfortable, they are not painful.
How will I get my results?
We will text your results to you within 10 working days of you being seen in the clinic.
We rely on you keeping your contact details up to date so we can get your results to you as soon as possible. Please make sure you tell us if you have changed your mobile number when you attend. We will also ask you to confirm your details when you attend the clinic.
Can I come to the clinic just to get condoms?
Yes, you can come to any of our sexual health clinics and see a receptionist there who will be able to issue you with a supply of condoms.
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Opening times for Department of Sexual Health, Salisbury District Hospital (GUM)
- Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
- Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
- Wednesday: 09:00 - 16:00
- Thursday: 09:00 - 17:30
- Friday: 09:00 - 12:00
- Saturday: CLOSED
- Sunday: CLOSED
For walk in times at the Department of Sexual Health, click on the view clinic button below.
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